It was first discovered by a traveler who was served a steaming bowl topped with honey and cream.  He thought it was delicious and called it the "Cream of the West".

Cream of the West classic rerun

Have you ever heard the saying "An oldie but a goodie"? The old west was once wild and young. Life was challenging during those days, especially for farmers; but it was an exciting time too.  Nearly every business idea was new, and pursuing it was an arduous adventure.  No internet, or social media and no UPS deliveries to your sod house or cabin in the woods. Cream of the West was established during this era.  

It was first discovered by a traveler who was served a steaming bowl topped with honey and cream.  He thought it was delicious and called it the "Cream of the West".  He also persuaded the farm wife to market her cereal, which she had been making for years, by first, hand grinding whole wheat and then lightly roasting it in a cast iron pan before cooking. He was certain that people would love it, and he was right! 114 years later, we continue to use Montana's finest whole wheat which is still carefully roasted in small batches.  

Hot cereal is timeless, it always makes an amazing meal. It is loved by urban dwellers and small-town folks, old, young and every age in-between.
So, whether you were raised watching Gunsmoke, Little House on the Prairie, or are a modern-day fan of Yellowstone, Cream of the West was there.  Established in 1914 when farm fields were naturally organic, we have come full circle with our roasted wheat cereal.  Once again made with protein rich organic grains, our famous cowboy cereal tastes amazing and will nourish you well. Classic reruns are awesome, and we are excited to very soon be offering our original cereal organically once again.  It's back and it's better than ever!

~Crystal and Jody Manuel
Owners - Cream of the West