Sweet stuff & coffee
Sweeten your tea with Bear Luv-Un Honey… Jump-start your morning with a jolt of Montana Morning coffee… Cheer up your flapjacks with delectable syrups, jams, and jellies from Becky’s Berries!
Bear Luv-Un Honey comes in a delicious assortment of flavors – from Sweet Clover to the ever popular Huckleberry Creamed. Both Bear Luv-Un Honey and Montana Morning Coffee (from Be Right Back Coffee) are produced right here in Harlowton.
And we turn to our friend Becky, founder of Becky’s Berries, for our home-made syrups, jams, and jellies, featuring Chokecherry Syrup, Wild Huckleberry Jam, Traffic Jam, and Huckleberry Syrup. Becky hails from Absarokee, Montana, and only uses real berry juice collected from her dedicated team of berry pickers!