Warmer and Wonderful

Warmer and Wonderful

    Warmer and Wonderful

One of the aspects of Montana that I love most is the changing of the seasons.  Despite the chill that lingers in the air, Spring has sprung.  Newness of life is found in tiny things like freshly birthed calves & lambs, fluffy chicks & ducklings basking under heat lamps at local feed/supply stores, and lush lines of new green growth popping up through the soil in the acres of fields that cover our states vast landscape.

With so much suddenly happening, there is no more hitting the snooze button on the slumber of winter.  Behind the scenes on a working farm/ranch is far less romantic than one usually imagines.  Like other businesses, there is much strategy and planning involved.  Crop contracts are being negotiated, final decisions are made on which specialty crops to plant, seed is ordered, farming equipment is being readied, shops are being organized, fuel tanks are filled, weeds are being fretted over and the weather is constantly being monitored because it ultimately controls the timeframe of the To Do List.

Despite being incredibly busy, Spring births fresh hope and excitement for the growing and harvesting seasons that will follow on her heels.  It’s a time for planning, planting, and growth.  It’s getting warmer and it’s wonderful.


owner, Cream of the West